v5.1.0: 2/13/23

All backend release notes are now available on github at https://github.com/blockscout/blockscout/releases


Improvements to the smart contract verifier service and additions the v2 API increase speed and usability

New Features List

  • #6871 - Integrate new smart contract verifier version

  • #6838 - Disable dark mode env var

  • #6843 - Add env variable to hide Add to MM button

  • #6744 - API v2: smart contracts verification

  • #6763 - Permanent UI dark mode

  • #6721 - Implement fetching internal transactions from callTracer

  • #6541 - Integrate sig provider

  • #6712, #6798 - API v2 update

  • #6582 - Transaction actions indexer

  • #6863 - Move OnDemand fetchers from indexer supervisor

Last updated


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