The following ENVs are specific to different types of chains and rollups. To use these specific variables you will also need to set the CHAIN_TYPE variable to the appropriate chain.
Specifies the model of data and enables fetchers specific to the chain. Available values are ethereum, optimism, arbitrum, polygon_zkevm, polygon_edge, rsk, scroll, shibarium, stability, suave, zetachain, filecoin, default.
The CELO network includes several core contracts that are central to its operation. These core contracts manage various aspects of the Celo network, including its stablecoins, governance, identity, and more.
All these contracts can be obtained by querying the Registry contract, which is deployed at the genesis block with the address 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000ce10. This contract serves as a repository for the addresses of all core contracts on the Celo network.
Fortunately, core contracts are not updated frequently, so we store information about core contracts statically under the CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS variable, which is a JSON object of a specified structure.
In case the contracts are updated, maintaining the Blockscout instance will require updating the CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS variable and manually setting blocks for refetch (all blocks produced after the core contracts' update).
The structure of the JSON value for the CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS variable is detailed in this gist.
The JSON structure may change. To assemble the CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS environment variable, run mix fetch_celo_core_contracts in the root of the Blockscout repository. This task will index the chain from block 0 to the latest block number, providing the most up-to-date values.
The JSON structure in the gist contains two main sections: addresses and events.
addresses: This section maps contract names to the list of respective addresses and the block number at which they were updated. For example:
events: This section maps contract addresses to the events associated with them, including any parameters and the block numbers at which these events were emitted. For example:
Beacon Chain RPC endpoint used to fetch blob sidecars. Required if INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_SYSTEM_CONFIG_CONTRACT is not empty. Implemented in .
If true the Beacon data blobs fetcher won't be started, new transaction and block fields will still be extracted. Implemented in .
Slot duration in the Beacon Chain in seconds. Implemented in . Prior to v6.2.0: required if INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_SYSTEM_CONFIG_CONTRACT is not empty.
Any past finalized Beacon Chain slot number. Used as reference for blob inclusion slot calculations. Implemented in . Prior to v6.2.0: required if INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_SYSTEM_CONFIG_CONTRACT is not empty.
UTC timestamp of the Beacon Chain slot specified in INDEXER_BEACON_BLOB_FETCHER_REFERENCE_SLOT. Used as reference for blob inclusion slot calculations. Implemented in . Prior to v6.2.0: required if INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_SYSTEM_CONFIG_CONTRACT is not empty.
Beacon Chain blob fetcher start block. On start-up, indexer will only look for missed blobs beyond this block number. It's recommended to set this block to the first block after the Dencun hardfork. Implemented in .
Beacon Chain blob fetcher end block. On start-up, indexer will only look for missed blobs before this block number. If set to 0, then all recent till latest will be traversed. Implemented in .
The RPC endpoint for L1 used to fetch deposit or withdrawal events. Implemented in .
The address of ExitHelper contract on L1 (root chain) used to fetch withdrawal exits. Required for withdrawal events indexing. Implemented in .
The number of start block on L1 (root chain) to index withdrawal exits. If the table of withdrawal exits is not empty, the process will continue indexing from the last indexed message. If empty or not defined, the withdrawal exits are not indexed. Implemented in .
The address of StateSender contract on L1 (root chain) used to fetch deposits. Required for deposit events indexing. Implemented in .
The number of start block on L1 (root chain) to index deposits. If the table of deposits is not empty, the process will continue indexing from the last indexed message. If empty or not defined, the deposits are not indexed. Implemented in .
The address of L2StateSender contract on L2 (child chain) used to fetch withdrawals. Required for withdrawal events indexing. Implemented in .
The number of start block on L2 (child chain) to index withdrawals. If the table of withdrawals is not empty, the process will fill gaps and then continue indexing from the last indexed message. If empty or not defined, the withdrawals are not indexed. Implemented in .
The address of StateReceiver contract on L2 (child chain) used to fetch deposit executes. Required for deposit events indexing. Implemented in .
The number of start block on L2 (child chain) to index deposit executes. If the table of deposit executes is not empty, the process will fill gaps and then continue indexing from the last indexed message. If empty or not defined, the deposit executes are not indexed. Implemented in .
Block range size for eth_getLogs request in Polygon Edge indexer modules. Implemented in .
The address hash of remasc address on Rootstock chain. Implemented in .
The address hash of bridge address on Rootstock chain. Implemented in .
If true the fetcher of Rootstock specific fields for blocks that are already in the database won't be started, fields from new blocks will be extracted. Implemented in .
The interval between fetching the next INDEXER_ROOTSTOCK_DATA_FETCHER_DB_BATCH_SIZE blocks from the database and the node, used to configure the load on the database and JSON-RPC node. Implemented in .
The number of requests in one JSON-RPC batch request, used to configure the load or RPS on JSON-RPC node. Implemented in .
The number of simultaneous requests to the JSON-RPC node, used to configure the load or RPS on JSON-RPC node. Implemented in .
The number of blocks fetched from the database in one database query. Implemented in .
The RPC endpoint for L1 used to fetch Deposit and Withdrawal messages. Implemented in .
The address of ScrollChain contract on L1. Used to fetch batch and bundle events. Implemented in .
The number of a start block on L1 to index L1 batches and bundles. If the table of batches is not empty, the process will continue indexing from the last indexed batch. Implemented in .
The address of L1 Scroll Messenger contract on L1 used to fetch Deposit and Withdrawal messages. Implemented in .
The number of a start block on L1 to index L1 bridge messages. If the table of bridge operations is not empty, the process will continue indexing from the last indexed L1 message. Implemented in .
The address of L2 Scroll Messenger contract on L2 used to fetch Deposit and Withdrawal messages. Implemented in .
The number of a start block on L2 to index L2 bridge messages. If the table of bridge operations is not empty, the process will continue indexing from the last indexed L2 message. Implemented in .
The address of L1 Gas Oracle contract on L2. Implemented in .
Block range size for eth_getLogs request in Scroll indexer modules for Layer 1. Implemented in .
Block range size for eth_getLogs request in Scroll indexer modules for Layer 2. Implemented in .
L2 block number of the Curie upgrade. Implemented in .
Initial value for scalar parameter. Implemented in .
Initial value for overhead parameter. Implemented in .
Initial value for commit_scalar parameter. Implemented in .
Initial value for blob_scalar parameter. Implemented in .
Initial value for l1_base_fee parameter. Implemented in .
Initial value for l1_blob_base_fee parameter. Implemented in .
The RPC endpoint for L1 used to fetch deposit or withdrawal events. Implemented in .
The number of start block on L1 to index L1 events. If the table of bridge operations is not empty, the process will continue indexing from the last indexed L1 event. If empty or not defined, the L1 events are not handled. Implemented in .
The address of DepositManagerProxy contract on L1 used to fetch BONE token deposits. Required for L1 events indexing. Implemented in .
The address of EtherPredicateProxy contract on L1 used to fetch ETH deposits and withdrawals. Required for L1 events indexing. Implemented in .
The address of ERC20PredicateProxy contract on L1 used to fetch ERC20 token deposits and withdrawals. Required for L1 events indexing. Implemented in .
The address of ERC721PredicateProxy contract on L1 used to fetch ERC721 token deposits and withdrawals. Optional for L1 events indexing. Implemented in .
The address of ERC1155PredicateProxy contract on L1 used to fetch ERC1155 token deposits and withdrawals. Optional for L1 events indexing. Implemented in .
The address of WithdrawManagerProxy contract on L1 used to fetch BONE token withdrawals. Required for L1 events indexing. Implemented in .
The number of start block on L2 to index L2 events. If the table of bridge operations is not empty, the process will continue indexing from the last indexed L2 event. If empty or not defined, the L2 events are not handled. Implemented in .
The address of ChildChain contract on L2 used to fetch BONE token deposits. Required for L2 events indexing. Implemented in .
The address of WETH contract on L2 used to fetch ETH deposits and withdrawals. Required for L2 events indexing. Implemented in .
The address of a contract which emits Withdraw event on L2. Used to fetch BONE token withdrawals. Required for L2 events indexing. Implemented in .
Enables Polygon zkEVM batches fetcher. Implemented in .
The number of Polygon zkEVM batches in one chunk when reading them from RPC. Implemented in .
The latest batch rechecking interval, seconds. Implemented in .
The RPC endpoint for L1 used to fetch Deposit or Withdrawal bridge events. Implemented in .
The number of a start block on L1 to index L1 bridge events. If the table of bridge operations is not empty, the process will continue indexing from the last indexed L1 event. If empty or not defined, the L1 events are not handled. Implemented in .
The address of PolygonZkEVMBridgeV2 contract on L1 used to fetch L1 bridge events. Required for L1 bridge events indexing. Implemented in .
L1 Network ID in terms of Polygon zkEVM bridge (0 = Ethereum Mainnet, 1 = Polygon zkEVM, 2 = Astar zkEVM, etc.). Required if INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L1_BRIDGE_START_BLOCK or INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L2_BRIDGE_START_BLOCK is defined. Implemented in .
L1 Rollup index in terms of Polygon zkEVM bridge (0 = Polygon zkEVM, 1 = Astar zkEVM, etc.). Not defined if L1 is Ethereum Mainnet. Required if L1 is not Ethereum Mainnet and INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L1_BRIDGE_START_BLOCK or INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L2_BRIDGE_START_BLOCK is defined. Implemented in .
The symbol of the native coin on L1 to display it in the table of the bridge Deposits and Withdrawals on UI. Implemented in .
The number of decimals to correctly display an amount of native coins for some Deposit or Withdrawal bridge operations on UI. Implemented in .
The number of a start block on L2 to index L2 bridge events. If the table of bridge operations is not empty, the process will continue indexing from the last indexed L2 event. If empty or not defined, the L2 events are not handled. Implemented in .
The address of PolygonZkEVMBridgeV2 contract on L2 used to fetch L2 bridge events. Required for L2 bridge events indexing. Implemented in .
L2 Network ID in terms of Polygon zkEVM bridge (1 = Polygon zkEVM, 2 = Astar zkEVM, etc.). Required if INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L1_BRIDGE_START_BLOCK or INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L2_BRIDGE_START_BLOCK is defined. Implemented in .
L2 Rollup index in terms of Polygon zkEVM bridge (0 = Polygon zkEVM, 1 = Astar zkEVM, etc.). Required if INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L1_BRIDGE_START_BLOCK or INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L2_BRIDGE_START_BLOCK is defined. Implemented in .
The RPC endpoint for L1 used to fetch transaction batches, dispute games, output roots, deposits, or withdrawal events. Implemented in .
The address of SystemConfig contract on L1 required for almost all Optimism fetchers. Implemented in .
Defines a URL to Blockscout Blobs API to retrieve L1 blobs from that. Example for Sepolia: Implemented in .
Defines a URL to Celestia blobs indexer to retrieve L1 blobs from that. Example: Implemented in .
Blocks chunk size to send batch RPC requests. Implemented in .
L2 genesis block number. This is the first block of Optimism BedRock upgrade. Equals to 0 if the new chain starts being already upgraded. The block number can be found at . . Implemented in .
The address of L2OutputOracle contract on L1 used to fetch output roots. Required for output roots indexing. Implemented in .
Defines OP Deposit transaction type (numeric value) which is needed for correct L2 transaction hash calculation by the Deposits indexing module. Implemented in .
The number of start block on L2 to index withdrawals. If the table of withdrawals is not empty, the process will continue indexing from the last indexed withdrawal. Implemented in .
The address of L2ToL1MessagePasser contract on L2 to index withdrawals. Implemented in .
Block range size for eth_getLogs request in OP indexer modules for Layer 1. Implemented in .
Block range size for eth_getLogs request in OP indexer modules for Layer 2. Implemented in .
Block time in seconds for the OP chain. Used by the indexer modules. Implemented in .
Optional. The address of OptimismPortal contract on L1 used to fetch deposit and withdrawal events. Used as a fallback address (when it cannot be read from the SystemConfig contract) for deposit and withdrawal events indexing. Implemented in .
Optional. The number of L1 block from which the logs (events) scanning should start by the indexer. Used as a fallback number (when it cannot be read from the SystemConfig contract). Implemented in .
Optional. The inbox address to index transaction batches on L1. Used as a fallback address (when it cannot be read from the SystemConfig contract). Implemented in .
Optional. The batch submitter address to index transaction batches on L1. Used as a fallback address (when it cannot be read from the SystemConfig contract). Implemented in .
Holocene upgrade L2 block timestamp. If not defined, EIP-1559's denominator and multiplier are taken from EIP_1559_BASE_FEE_MAX_CHANGE_DENOMINATOR and EIP_1559_ELASTICITY_MULTIPLIER envs correspondingly. Implemented in .
Max number of blocks in eth_getBlockByNumber batch request. Implemented in .
Enables Polygon zkEVM batches fetcher. Implemented in .
The number of RPC calls in one request when reading data from RPC. Implemented in .
Maximum amount of batches requested if Blockscout does not have all batches synced. Implemented in .
The latest batch rechecking interval, seconds. Implemented in .
The RPC endpoint for L1 used to fetch status of batches. Implemented in .
The batches status rechecking interval, seconds. Implemented in .
The address of ArbSys contract on the rollup. Implemented in .
The address of NodeInterface contract on the rollup. Implemented in .
The RPC endpoint for L1 used to fetch transaction batches, block confirmations, and cross-chain messages. Implemented in .
The number of RPC calls in one request when reading data from RPC. Implemented in .
The block range size for the eth_getLogs request. Implemented in .
The Arbitrum Rollup contract address on L1. Implemented in .
The block number where the Arbitrum rollup contract has been deployed. Implemented in .
The block number at which synchronization will commence. It will proceed in both directions: discovering new batches up to the chain head, and historical batches until INDEXER_ARBITRUM_L1_ROLLUP_INIT_BLOCK. If omitted, the synchronization starts from the latest block. Implemented in .
The number of blocks below the blockchain head that are considered not yet finalized in environments where the settlement layer is another rollup, or when the L1 node does not support safe block retrieval. Implemented in .
The number of RPC calls in one request when reading data from RPC. Implemented in .
Enables monitoring on L1 of cross-chain messages directed to L2 and catchup on L2 of historical cross-chain messages. Implemented in .
Interval to re-check on the rollup historical messages directed to and from the rollup, in seconds. Implemented in .
Amount of L2 blocks to revisit to identify historical cross-chain messages in the messages catchup task. Implemented in .
Interval to re-check on L1 new messages directed to the rollup, in seconds. Implemented in .
Enables monitoring of transaction batches, block confirmations, and L2-to-L1 messages executions. Implemented in .
Interval to re-check on L1 new and historical batches, confirmations, and executions, in seconds. Implemented in .
Whether L1 transactions related to batches, confirmations, and executions need to be monitored for finalization or not. Implemented in .
Difference between the message count and actual rollup block numbers in the SequencerBatchDelivered event on L1. Applicable for ArbitrumOne only. Implemented in .
Size of each batch range which will be inspected for the missing batches. Since it is not expected that batches are missed often, it is OK to have this value relatively large. Implemented in .
Whether to choose safe (true) or latest (false) block to discover new confirmations. This setting is required to reduce latency between the actual confirmation transaction and its discovery. Recommended to have true on rollups which use Ethereum Mainnet as L1. Determines how fast new confirmations will be discovered. Implemented in .
The number of batches to be handled and imported at once. This is applicable for cases when dozens of batches are found in one discovery iteration, and it is necessary to import them in chunks to avoid the entire process being aborted if any errors occur. Implemented in .
Enables a process to backfill the blocks and transaction with Arbitrum specific data. This should only be enabled for Arbitrum chains where blocks were indexed before upgrading to a version that includes Arbitrum-specific data indexing features. Implemented in .
The number of L2 blocks to look back in one iteration of the backfill process. Implemented in .
Interval to retry the backfill task for unindexed blocks. Implemented in .
Specifies the number of address records processed per batch during normalization of batch-to-blob associations by moving them from arbitrum_da_multi_purpose to a dedicated arbitrum_batches_to_da_blobs table. Implemented in .
Specifies the number of concurrent processes used during normalization of batch-to-blob associations by moving them from arbitrum_da_multi_purpose to a dedicated arbitrum_batches_to_da_blobs table. Implemented in .
JSON dictionary containing the addresses and metadata of core CELO network contracts. Read detailed description down below. Implemented in .
Specifies the block number at which Celo transitioned from L1 to L2, disabling legacy L1 mechanisms (e.g., L1 epochs, old precompiles) once the migration block is indexed. Implemented in .
If set to true, the epoch rewards fetcher will not be started. However, epoch blocks pending to fetch will still be imported into the database. Implemented in .
If set to true, the validator group votes fetcher will not be started. Implemented in .
Specifies the block range size for the eth_getLogs request, determining the number of blocks included between toBlock and fromBlock. Implemented in .
Specifies the expected network prefix for Filecoin addresses. For more details, refer to the . Available values: f (for the mainnet), t (for testnets). Implemented in .
token, used for retrieving Filecoin native addressing information. Implemented in .
base URL. Implemented in .
base URL. Implemented in .
When set to true, Filecoin native addressing information will not be fetched, but addresses pending fetch will still be recorded in the database. Implemented in .
Sets the maximum number of concurrent requests made to fetch Filecoin native addressing information. Implemented in .
Specifies the number of address records processed per batch during the backfill of pending address fetch operations. Implemented in .
Specifies the number of concurrent processes used during the backfill of pending address fetch operations. Implemented in .
Variable to define the URL of the Blackfort Validator API. Implemented in .