Token Support

Blockscout supports the following token types:

  • ERC-20: Fungible tokens

    • Standard for interchangeable tokens

    • Used for cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, utility tokens

  • ERC-721: Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)

    • Unique, indivisible tokens

    • Often used for digital art, collectibles, game items

  • ERC-1155: Multi-token standard

    • Combines fungible and non-fungible tokens

    • Efficient for gaming and complex ecosystems

  • ERC-777: Advanced fungible tokens (basic indexing but no additional views, provides similar info to ERC-20)

    • Adds features like operator support and hooks

    • Backward compatible with ERC-20.

  • ERC-4626: Tokenized Vaults (basic indexing but no additional views, provides similar info to ERC-20)

    • Standard for yield-bearing tokens

    • Used in DeFi for lending and yield farming

Last updated


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