Transaction Types

Different types of transactions are categorized in the Blockscout UI to allow for quick identification. Types include:

  • Coin transfer: value transfer, value >= 0, no tx input

  • Contract call: tx input is present (any value including 0)

  • Contract creation: creation of a smart-contract

  • Token burning: recognized token transfer of any of ERC-20, 721, 1155 token instance (single or bulk) to 0x0000... address

  • Token creation: creation of token instance in ERC-1155

  • Token minting: token transfer of any of ERC-20, 721, 1155 token instance (single or bulk) from 0x0000... address

  • Token transfer: token transfer of any of ERC-20, 721, 1155 token instance (single or bulk)

  • Transaction: A contract call where the contract has not yet been identified by Blockscout.

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