v5.3.0: 10/23/23

All backend release notes are now available on github at https://github.com/blockscout/blockscout/releases


  • CHAIN_TYPE env variable which can provide different logic for fetchers, API, views, DB schema extensions are applied to the explorer. Additional values will be supported in upcoming releases - currently supported values are:

    • ethereum - default value

    • polygon_edge - chains based on Polygon Edge nodes

    • rsk - for Rootstock (rskj node)

  • TVL display is live with the DefiLlama API integration

  • DB schema update which will support additional NFT views on owner addresses. The view is still in development, scheme update was required first.

  • IPFS_GATEWAY_URL endpoint allows projects to connect Blockscout to their own IPFS gateway for fetching token metadata.

  • Many additional improvements and fixes on the indexer side and API.

New Features List

  • #8512 - Add caching and improve /tabs-counters performance

  • #8472 - Integrate /api/v2/bytecodes/sources:search-all of eth_bytecode_db

  • #8589 - DefiLlama TVL source

  • #8583 - Add stats widget for rootstock

  • #8542 - Add tracing for rootstock

  • #8561, #8564 - Get historical market cap data from CoinGecko

  • #8543 - Fix polygon tracer

  • #8386 - Add owner_address_hash to the token_instances

  • #8530 - Add block_type to search results

  • #8180 - Deposits and Withdrawals for Polygon Edge

  • #7996 - Add CoinBalance fetcher init query limit

  • #8658 - Remove block consensus on import fail

  • #8575 - Filter token transfers on coin balances updates

Last updated


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