Chains & Projects Using Blockscout

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Blockscout serves execution-layer chains and testnets within the Ethereum ecosystem and beyond. Open-source code gives all types of projects and chains the ability to spin up an instance and provide data exploration capabilities for their users.

Projects can choose to deploy Blockscout themselves or use customization and hosting services for their instances.

⭐️ 13+ Ecosystems ⭐️ 500+ Networks, Rollups, and Testnets

Tags Legend

In the tables below, instances are tagged by network type and hosting setup.

  • Hosted by Blockscout: The instance is hosted by the Blockscout team. Hosted instances fall under the domain umbrella and receive priority support and a premium feature set.

  • Self Hosted: Projects hosting their own instances of Blockscout. Many of these are self-deployed using the open-source framework without any assistance from Blockscout.

  • Testnet: Test networks, displayed in a second table below.

Ethereum Ecosystem L1: High Usage Chains

Blockscout InstanceDescription

Decentralized global computing platform supporting smart contracts & P2P apps. Hosted by Blockscout 🌐 site

Longest running smart contract platform running the original Ethereum protocol. Hosted by Blockscout 🌐 site

Former xDai chain, GC is a feature-rich, user-centered blockchain ecosystem. Hosted by Blockscout 🌐 site

Decentralized payments-focused EVM platform. Hosted by Blockscout 🌐 site

Sports, entertainment, and media focused blockchain. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Mobile-first, fully EVM compatible proof-of-stake protocol. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Smart-contract ecosystem with a #1 priority focus on security. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Networks for the secure and Universal Flare EVM chain. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Multichain network composed of an unlimited number high-performance Ethereum Blockchains. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Polygon Ecosystem

Polygon is currently using Blockscout for testing zkEVM, Polygon Edge and Polygon Supernets instances. Look for more instances in the future as projects onboard to Polygon infra.

Blockscout InstanceDescription

Polygon mainnet explorer. Hosted by Blockscout 🌐 site

Polygon mainnet explorer. Hosted by Blockscout 🌐 site

SX Network is a L2 blockchain built on Polygon Edge. Scaling betting, DeFi, and NFT applications. Self Hosted 🌐 site

A chain for Dogecoin holders built with the Polygon Edge framework. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Blockchain built for the meme token market on Polygon Edge Self Hosted 🌐 site

Next-gen NFT metagame for web 3.0 funseekers running on Polygon. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Optimism Ecosystem

We are working with Optimism to create a robust explorer infrastructure to support OP chains. Additional instances are in progress.

Blockscout InstanceDescription

OP mainnet instance featuring Blockscout Portal. Hosted by Blockscout 🌐 site

OP testnet with 2 second block times and customized theming. Hosted by Blockscout 🌐 site

Latest OP testnet Hosted by Blockscout 🌐 site

A second testnet with batches sent to the Goerli network. Hosted by Blockscout 🌐 site

OPCraft beta. OPCraft brings generated minecraft inspired worlds to the blockchain. Hosted by Blockscout 🌐 site

Additional L2s & Rollups

Blockscout InstanceDescription

Base is a secure, low-cost, builder-friendly Ethereum L2 built to bring the next billion users onchain. Hosted by Blockscout 🌐 site

Shiba Inu's L2 blockchain featuring low cost, fast, and powerful technology. Hosted by Blockscout 🌐 site

L2 secured by Ethereum, purposefully built for Metaverse, NFT and Gaming applications. Hosted by Blockscout 🌐 site

Developer-ready zkEVM rollup for scaling Ethereum dapps Self Hosted 🌐 site

PGN is both a digital schelling point and the world’s first L2 that works to create durable and recurring funding for public goods. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Optimistic Rollup with ZK Fault Proof - adaptive and User-Friendly L2 solution

Committee-based chain with rollup fallback designed for social applications and gaming and built using Arbitrum AnyTrust. Self Hosted 🌐 site

The Metis Andromeda network is an L2 optimistic rollup running on Ethereum. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Rollup with high throughput, low latency and instant finality. Self Hosted 🌐 site

A native zkEVM Layer 2 Solution for Ethereum. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Fast, cost-efficient, and scalable Layer 2 built to help bring media onchain, built on the OP Stack. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Low-cost, lightning-fast L2 blockchain that enables highly scalable applications. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Rollup built for on-chain options trading. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Arbitrum Ecosystem

Blockscout InstanceDescription

The word's first layer 3 zkEVM, building a decentralized, global IoT infrastructure. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Polkadot Ecosystem

Blockscout InstanceDescription

Polkadot parachain built on Substrate supporting scalable smart-contract execution. Hosted by Blockscout 🌐 site

Astar sister network; smart contract Kusama parachain. Hosted by Blockscout 🌐 site

Decentralized finance network powering the aUSD ecosystem. Self Hosted 🌐 site

All-in-one DeFi platform to help you swap, borrow, lend, earn, and more – all with a micro gas fee. Self Hosted 🌐 site

EdgeEVM is a Permissionless, DAO-first smart contract blockchain. Self Hosted 🌐 site

NFTs on Ethereum with Polkadot composability via the Moonsama multiverse bridge. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Built on the Substrate framework with a focus on a decentralized cross-chain channel. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Cosmos Ecosystem

Chains utilizing Cosmos SDK

Blockscout InstanceDescription

Ethereum-compatible blockchain network built on Cosmos SDK technology. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Bringing Ethereum-based applications and assets to the Cosmos ecosystem. Self Hosted 🌐 site

L1 combining Ethereum smart contract development with the interoperability of the Cosmos SDK. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Providing core DeFi primitives to support free public infrastructure. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Decentralized proof-of-stake chain based on Evmos technology. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Cross-chain protocol that acts as a building block for DeFi, built with Cosmos SDK. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Bitcoin/BCH Merged Mining / AuxPOW

Blockscout InstanceDescription

Enables smart-contracts, near-instant payments and scalability to the Bitcoin ecosystem through merged mining. Hosted by Blockscout 🌐 site

Proof-of-Work blockchain, merged-mined with Bitcoin, while running a smart contract functionality layer. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Smart contract sidechain leveraging a DPoS consensus mechanism. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Near Ecosystem

Blockscout InstanceDescription

EVM implementation as a smart contract on the NEAR Protocol. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Solana Ecosystem

Blockscout InstanceDescription

Neon is an Ethereum Virtual Machine with the scalability and liquidity of Solana. Hosted by Blockscout 🌐 site

Solana fork with embedded EVM integration creates a Solana (eBPF) VM and Ethereum VM hybrid. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Avalanche Ecosystem

Blockscout InstanceDescription

Fitness-centric chain powered by high throughput on an Avalanche subnet. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Decentralised and sustainable cloud ecosystem focused on High-Performance Computing and deployed on an Avalanche subnet. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Cardano Ecosystem

Blockscout InstanceDescription

Protocol that brings EVM capabilities to non-EVM blockchains like Cardano, Solana, and Algorand. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Fantom Ecosystem

Blockscout InstanceDescription

Fast and secure Optimistic Rollup built on Fantom. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Binance Smart Chain

Blockscout InstanceDescription

Dedicated BNB Application Sidechain (BAS) for the Meta Apes gaming universe. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Ethereum Greater Ecosystem


Blockscout InstanceDescription

VR multiverse exchange featuring 200k tx per second. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Ethereum compliant chain serving as a foundation for energy and data markets. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Cross-chain Ethereum fork for layer 2 solutions. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Smart contract-enabled, open source DLT platform for all things Web3. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA) chain serving the Thai community. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Blockchain with +100k TPS and zero cost gas fee. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Ethereum sidechain built for cost-effectiveness, convenience, scalability, and speed. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Scaling solutions that can enhance the speed of EthereumPow. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Next-gen PoW featuring a demand-driven supply mechanism. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Hybrid, layer-1 blockchain building incentive layers for distributed networks. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Conscious Network is a public chain infrastructure that deeply integrates AI. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Social activites platform composed of an EVM-compatible blockchain and a set of smart contracts. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Focusing on security, lightning-fast transactions, and a comprehensive array of interconnected services and platforms. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Aligns the blockchain and physical world through the tokenization of real-world assets. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Content Fabric chain enables creators to store, stream, mint, ticket and trade all types of content. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Security-first chain featuring speed, scalability, & dedicated cybersecurity. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Building digital operating systems for energy grids. Self Hosted 🌐 site

A decentralized chain for scalability, speed & low-cost transactions. Self Hosted 🌐 site

EVM chain with targeted 11-13 sec block time and custom node reward system. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Scalability solution with POSDAO consensus. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Ethereum post-merge fork with POW. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Ethereum protocol with additional storage layer to protect content and data freedom. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Open, permissionless blockchain featuring programmable privacy features. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Exchange built for novice and experienced traders. Self Hosted 🌐 site


Blockscout InstanceDescription

Tokenized ecosystem built for brands. Self Hosted 🌐 site

EVM based blockchain with Delegated Proof of Stack (DPoS) consensus. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Decentralized marketplace for computing power, datasets, and applications. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Blockchain of things (BoT) communication standard and base application platform. Self Hosted 🌐 site

L2 Blockchain network bulit to remove the complexity of Web3 products. Self Hosted 🌐 site

A public chain compliant with Japanese law optimized for web3 business. Self Hosted 🌐 site

POA infrastructure chain designed for industry and cybersecurity. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Community-based network built for KuCoin users with KCS as native token. Self Hosted 🌐 site

General purpose permissioned public chain focused on Latin America and Caribbean blockchain ecosystems. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Blockchain for the Libex currency exchange. Self Hosted 🌐 site

User-friendly, highly integrated chain in production since 2018. Self Hosted 🌐 site

EVM-compatible programmability with Proof of Stake and Authority(PoSA) consensus. Self Hosted 🌐 site

A system designed to unite memes with decentralized finance technology. Self Hosted 🌐 site

EVM blockchain based on Casper PoS geared towards the new creative economy. Hosted by Blockscout 🌐 site


Blockscout InstanceDescription

High-transaction payments ecosystem designed for retail. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Decentralized smart contracts platform. Self Hosted 🌐 site

EVM compatible decentralized W3 POS network managed by multiple nodes. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Stock-trading chain optimized for fast transactions - linked with Ethereum via the root hash of its Merkle Tree. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Chain designed for large-scale and complex distributed applications. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Fully compatible EVM L1 community chain. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Privacy-enabled and scalable layer-1 blockchain network. Self Hosted 🌐 site

L1 & L2 Ecosystem built for GameFi. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Quantum resistant blockchain with embedded quantum security technologies included. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Personal information protection & rights confirmation service platform. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Decentralized social entertainment network that instantly rewards users. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Decentralized video and photo sharing based on crypto tokenomics. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Proof of Authority network originally built for scalability. Now merged with the Gnosis Chain Ecosystem. Hosted by Blockscout 🌐 site

Blockchain for the Pools web3 mobile phone. Self Hosted 🌐 site

A decentralized ledger with transparency and predictability of enforceable private contracts. Self Hosted 🌐 site

High-Performance Public Blockchain Powered by the MeerDAG Consensus. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Sustainability-focused chain built for businesses, institutions and public organizations. Self Hosted 🌐 site


Blockscout InstanceDescription

NFT-focused blockchain Self Hosted 🌐 site

Light weight, Ethereum compatible, high performance, no fee blockchain framework. Self Hosted 🌐 site

P2P open-source blockchain protocol offering instant, near-zero cost processing. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Tokenized-asset network. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Network designed to facilitate transfer of verifiable data between centralized and decentralized ecosystems. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Crypto-powered crowdfunding platform. Self Hosted 🌐 site

L1 Blockchain featuring 2 second blocks. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Decentralized staking platform proudly affiliated with VRC Coin. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Blockchain infrastructure and dApps platform built for the Metaverse. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Digital peer to peer network designed for efficient asset transfer. Self Hosted 🌐 site

Testnet Instances

Ethereum Göerli Hosted Testnet

Ethereum Sepolia

Hosted Testnet

Base Göerli Hosted Testnet

Mordor (Eth Classic) Hosted Testnet

Optimism Sepolia Hosted Testnet

Base Sepolia Hosted Testnet

Linea (Consensys) Testnet

Shibuya (Astar) Hosted Testnet

Immutable zkEVM Hosted Testnet

Shibarium Puppynet Testnet Hosted

ZetaChain Athens-3 Testnet Hosted

Volta (Energy Web) Testnet

Mandala (Acala) Testnet

Baklava (Celo) Testnet

Alphajores Testnet (Celo) Testnet

MXC zkEVM Testnet

Moonbase Alpha (Moonbeam) Testnet

Sokol (POA/GC) Hosted Testnet

Agung (Peaq) Testnet

Tanenbaum (SysCoin) Testnet

Aurora Testnet

Quadrans Testnet

PulseChain (Testnet v4) Testnet

Stability Testne

Mantle Testnet

Chiado (Gnosis Chain) Hosted Testnet

Nuls Testnet

FX Testnet (Function X) Testnet

Scoville (Chiliz) Testnet

LaChain Testnet

Mode Network Testnet

Hi Chain Testnet

OnChain AI Testnet

Debank Testnet

Toronto SX Testnet

NeroChain Testnet

Rupay Testnet

BlockX Testnet

Zora Testnet

AXIA Testnet

Bitfrost Testnet

Ozone Testnet

Unscan Testnet

Altlayer Testnet

Arthera Testnet

Haqq Testnet

Xai Testnet

Stylus Testnet

JellyfishSDK Testnet

Etherlink Testnet

Deelance Testnet

Lumoz Testnet

VRCScan Testnet

Swisstronic Testnet

Last updated


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