Blockscout API

Blockscout Internal Documentation

To view Modules and API Reference documentation:

  1. Generate documentation.

    mix docs

  2. View the generated docs.

    open doc/index.html

Blockscout API Usage

API calls can be accessed from the Blockscout main menu, footer or header depending on the instance.

Blockscout supports several methods:

  1. REST API: API that serves the UI for new instances of Blockscout. -> More info

  2. RPC API: provided for developers transitioning their applications from Etherscan to Blockscout. Supports GET and POST requests. -> More info

  3. Eth RPC API: Supports the most popular JSON RPC methods. -> More info

  4. Graphiql: An IDE for exploring GraphQL.

API access in new instance
APIs in header menu of old UI
API links in the footer


Send Queries to quickly get information. Use the Docs button to quickly find arguments accepted by the schema. More information is available in our Blockscout GraphQL tutorial.

Docs button for GraphQL


Blockscout supports the following methods. Requests and return data are identical to the Ethereum documentation.

  • eth_blockNumber

  • eth_getBalance

  • eth_getLogs

  • eth_gasPrice

  • eth_getTransactionByHash

  • eth_getTransactionReceipt

  • eth_chainId

  • eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas

  • eth_getTransactionCount

  • eth_getCode

  • eth_getStorageAt

  • eth_estimateGas

  • eth_getBlockByNumber

  • eth_getBlockByHash

  • eth_sendRawTransaction

  • eth_call

More details on ETH RPC for Blockscout are available here.

API Keys

If My Account is enabled, users can add up to 3 API keys to ensure 10 request/second limits. When API Keys are not used, the global default is 50 requests/second.

Last updated


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